Thursday, December 22, 2011

So Much Gratitude III - G-Daddy and JoJo

I better get moving on finishing up these Thanksgiving posts because Christmas is just a few days away! I am backed up on blogging :)

We were so excited to receive G-Daddy (Eric) and JoJo (Joy) (Aaron's dad and stepmom). There was so much anticipation for this trip as G-Daddy had never been to NYC! They had many plans on doing the touristic things here in the city, but also carved out some good time to spend with us and their grandboys :) We planned to have dinner with them Wednesday night. They came up to see our place and then we were to go out to dinner. I think parents intuition, they realized I was completely zonked! I had spent the day prepping for Thanksgiving dinner and had just sat down for the first time. Realizing I was so tired, they offered to go get food and we could eat it at home. The best part is they took the boys. So while they picked up food, I took a nap (at 6pm!!!) It was fabulous! I needed the fuel to face the next day or so of festivities. My next blog will be about Thanksgiving day itself, so I'll save the details of that for the next post.

We got some incredible quality time with them while they were here. We spent all of Saturday together.  It was a beautiful day and we got to spend most of it in Central Park complete with a carriage and a carousel ride! The boys were in heaven! We shared a crazy chaotic meal at central market as it was past the boys lunch and nap time! It was fun to see G-Daddy and JoJo get a piece of real life with the Pierce boys! After we finally got the boys down for their naps, we shared a sweet visit. Then Aaron took them to see Columbia. It's such a beautiful campus, it's always fun to take people to see where Aaron gets to study! Austin was up at that time, so he got to go as well. He even showed G-Daddy and JoJo his Penguin walk (after having an unexpected accident! Ha)! They came up again on Sunday afternoon to share one last meal and say goodbye. Though we tried to go to Dinosaur Barbecue the wait was too long. We ended up at one of our favorite spots - Kitchenette.

Having Eric and Joy here was so great. It was so sweet to see them (especially G-Daddy) fall in love with the city. I believe even he was caught off guard by how much he enjoyed it. I loved seeing them bring the Texas flair to Yankee-ville! Eric wore a Texas shirt every day. Joy came ready with her psychedelic rain boots (they ended up not working out for her, so she gifted them to me :). We loved showing them our lives. They encouraged us. They loved on us. They affirmed Aaron in this tough season of studying. We are so glad they made the time and took the trek up here. It was a delight to share the week with them! Too bad the D train (express train between our apartment and their hotel) doesn't connect Central Arlington to Morningside Heights in NYC.

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