Thursday, December 8, 2011

The days are long....

.....but the years are short.

Lets face the facts - I have a 2.5 year old and a 16 month old. Most of my days are really long. But just other day my cousin sent me a video (ironically set in NYC) about a momma who realized she was wishing away her little girls childhood. It was an incredible reminder to me. Deep within me I want to savor every minute I have with these precious little men. But the reality is, I wish all too often for 7:45pm when they are restfully sleeping and the house is still and quiet. I'm tired. Tired of saying, "Austin, please don't take that from your brother." "Jonathan, the table is not for climbing." Tired of the 30 minute long obstacle course I have to conquer every time I leave the house. Tired of the repetitive questions, or the seemingly endless discipline I am having to impart.

But here's the truth. I. LOVE. MY. LIFE!

I love that Austin is so eager to engage in conversation. I love that he's inquisitive. I love that he loves bible stories, especially Jonah. I love that he often asks us to tell it to him 20 times in a day (no exaggeration). I love that he wants to hear me quote/sing scripture to him and then tells me, "That's a good one" to Psalm 119:9-11. I love that he takes his fluffy out (which is supposed to stay in his bed), brings it to the couch and asks me to snuggle him. I love to see him run to Jonathan and say, "Come on Jonasssin! Lets run!" Even when it means he's most likely going to run him over. I love that Austin is so intrigued with names. Especially when he looks up on the bus or subway, breaking all cultural rules, and says to the stranger, "What's your name?"

I love that Jonathan pure joy - whether he's playing or sitting in timeout - he's typically chuckling! I love that he loves to be touched. I love Jonathan that he craves to be understood and thrives when you comprehend him. I love that he LOVES to eat. I love that he says "uh-huh" when he's trying to tell you yes. I love that he adores the Jesus Story Book Bible (a must have) and will wrestle you for it if you try to take it away. I love that he loves phones and will walk around for hours pretending he's talking while playing. I love that at any moment in the day I can squat down spread my arms out and my little Jonathan will race into my arms for an embrace. Oh that does wonders for my heart.

So there it is. I love my life. These are only fractions for the reasons I am loving this season of mommyhood. When watching that video, I knew I needed to blog. I have to stop sometimes as a disicpline to choose to appreciate. To choose to have a thankful heart. By golly - my life is good. My quiver is full and I am abundantly blessed by those little guys that make my days oh so very long. Hopefully pauses as these, will help make the years a little longer too!


  1. Thanks for sharing that! Love you all!

  2. Love this - and it is so very true. Your boys are very fortunate to have you as their Mom. Love you.
