Saturday, October 27, 2012

From Toddler to Little Boy

There are milestones in parenting that for me have been unexpectedly. When you look down at that little baby that no longer cares to crawl and walking has become their primary form of getting from point A to point B. That baby is no longer a baby, he's a toddler. Or when the isolated words turn into phrases which then turn into sentences. Oh boy - we have a talker on our hands!  These milestones don't come at suspecting times. It's not as if once the child is one year old, they are now a toddler. Many don't walk until later and still lean more toward baby until closer to 2 years old. Or the opposite, Austin walked at 10 1/2 months - you better believe that walking in my book did not make him a toddler. He was still MY BABY!!!! Growth in these little lives come without warning. Many have been the times when I look down at one of my little guys and think, "Oh, how did we leave that stage and are full on into the next stage. I had no warning." This is currently happening in our home!
In the last couple weeks, it's been so incredibly clear that Austin has gone from toddler to little boy.
There are countless stories of how we've seen our little toddler turn to little boy.

Here pictured is Austin making his own breakfast. Not because I make him, but because he begs me to allow him! On this particular morning, he did it all. Poured the yogurt, cut up his banana, put it in the bowl. When it came time to pour the granola, he attempted. Then came running at me. "Momma, I need help because I'm afraid I'll pour too much!" Well hello responsible three year old!

Austin has also insisted on helping with other meals. Initially, I resisted it, knowing that the kitchen can be dangerous with a hot stove, breakable dishes, etc. In the recent weeks, I've decided that I need to nurture that desire in him. He loves to help in the kitchen. So I plan on things taking a little longer, but we get quality time together and hopefully his wife will thank me later! His roles at meal time have included, setting the table, pouring our drinks, stirring whatever's in the pot, cracking eggs, cutting soft things(with close supervision), and washing dishes (he loves it and actually does a really good job!). He's had such satisfaction in taking part. As I have allowed him I've realized that he truly does assist. My job is not only easier, but more fun with my little companion!

Also, there have been several mornings where Austin decides he wants to get dressed before I've gotten to pulling clothes out for them. Without announcing his plans, he goes into his room, pulls out his clothes and fully dresses himself. The other day I asked him to get socks for him and his brother - he got each of them a pair that matched what they were both wearin!!!! Not sure if it was coincidence or not, but I was impressed!

We have been working through a book that our cousin Cari got Austin before we left NY. It's filled with academic activities that are intended for the summer before preschool. We call it "school"! Austin has thrived on it. He's completely surprised me at being able to tackle tasks such as identifying the different object, pairing the type of vehicle to it's driver, writing letters and saying their sounds. It's been really fun to watch him have such joy in his accomplishments!

This one's my favorite! All four of us were sitting in the living room playing something (can't remember what!) Austin popped up and took off to the bathroom. I wondered what he was doing, but didn't ask to see what was going to come of it. He reappeared a few seconds later with toilet paper in hand. Without saying a word he wiped Jonathan's snotty nose, ran off to the bathroom again to throw away the paper, and plopped back on the floor with us. Both Aaron and I looked at one another is disbelief and pride all in the same moment!

Yes, it's sad to watch the baby turn to toddler and toddler to little boy. But in the same moment there is such promise and excitement in watching them grow and develop. I am so thankful to have a front row seat to this little man's life. What a privilege and what delight! I'll close with a few of my favorite quotes from this little boy:

"Jonathan taking out the cars is troubling me."
"I'm not available to hold Jonathan's hand."
"My choice made God sad didn't it?"
"Momma why are you so frustrated" (Ouch!!!!)
"No Jonathan, that's not your toy, it's OUR toy!"

Yup - definitely no more toddler, he's turned into a little boy right before our eyes!

1 comment:

  1. So precious! Each stage brings a new joy and challenge. Soak it up!
