Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's Saturday night and we are getting ready to visit a new church tomorrow morning in NYC. I am filled with excitement of what the Lord may have in store for us, but I also miss the familiarity of our home church in Texas! Five years ago we entered the doors of First Baptist Church of Arlington to make it our home. Aaron had grown up in this church. To me it was completely new. However, I was not a new comer for long. It seems like from the first week I was already embraced as family. FBCA is a big church with a small church feel. There are families in this church that span 5 generations. It's no mystery why. God is alive and active in this place of fellowship.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
     This verse comes to life among the relationships at  FBCA. The leadership of this church is committed to walking in step with the Holy Spirit and it's contagious! First Baptist Church Arlington was the Lord's provision in every aspect. This church has poured so much into my life and I will carry it with me where ever we go. The lessons I've learned from the people who make up that church have made me a different who hopefully looks a little more like Jesus. The friendships I have from there are little nuggets of what God intends for His Body to experience. The gifts I have been given I will hold dear to my heart. The most tangible one was given to me by the women at FBCA at a farewell party. It's a charm necklace and it's beautiful.


Each charm on the necklace was individually picked by a sweet friend representing something about our friendship. Each woman wrote a note describing why they chose the charm. You see the charm laying on a box. That box was hand crafted by one of my Sunday School teachers Jon Hoffman. The top of the box is engraved with the same cross that is on the floor of our welcome center.

There are two boxes because my friend Jackie was also moving at the same time and both of us were gifted with these.
Our names were engraved inside the box

Many of these woman though I have said goodbye to them in Texas, have held me through this the transition to NYC. They've prayed. They've encouraged. They've answered phone calls at random times when I just needed a familiar voice. They've gone out of their way to help be become more familiar with NYC and connected here. I've been blown away by how the miles have not stopped the Body of Christ from functioning as it should. We are well settled here on the Upper West Side of NYC. As I think about our transition to NYC, the word that comes to mind is soft. I see it as such because the community, now on the other side of the country, has carried us through it.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Alan and I have felt this same way with all our moves. FBCA stays with you through such amazing people. That really is such a sweet picture of the body of Christ. Love you guys!
