Friday, February 7, 2014

Transition Pains

I've been asked so many times, "How are the boys doing with their baby sister?" Really they have surprised us with how well they've taken to her. There has been very little if any jealously demonstrated. Neither Austin or Jonathan have shown any resentment at all towards Evelina. However, about 3 weeks ago, Jonathan just started acting "off". All of a sudden he kicked into whinny mode. Every morning he would ask me to snuggle him in his bed. He would say "Mooommmma, mommmma, mooommmmmmmaaaaa...." INCESSANTLY!!!! Worse of all, we began to completely back pedal with potty accidents. I questioned what was happening. I wracked my brain contemplating the root issue. Was he not getting enough momma time. Did he need more hugs. More one on one time with me and Aaron. What was happening. Then one friend suggestion it may be a delayed adjustment period because of the baby. After one friend said it - three more suggested the same. Ah-ha! That's it. He's realized she's sticking around. He's no longer the baby! Though the "needy" behaviors are still lingering a bit, it helps so much to know what is most likely the root of things. This has reminded me as a momma to not just get super irritated with "issues" but to do a little digging, processing, and seeking counsel in parenting. Shedding light on things always helps the challenging time easier to endure! All in all though, I cannot complain. I am so thankful that Jonathan's growing pains has not been negativity towards his sister. I'd much rather him demand more of me, than resent her!

He asks to keep her company and play with her.

He wants to hold her.

He reads to her.

He goofs around and asks that I take pictures of them together (he came up with this pose all by himself).

He sometimes complies for a pose I request!
This is my little man. My "iron man". He's all boy. Has energy to span the whole family. He loves to tell stories and play pretend. Though you may not see this on your first encounter with him, his heart is soft and tender. He loves deeply and hurts loudly! His personality is perfect for a middle child because it's BIG!

Don't we all go through needy seasons? Isn't there times when you want to just whine loudly and ask for morning snuggles. That certainly is true of me, though it's completely not socially acceptable. For Jonathan it's age appropriate - and for now, I'm grateful to indulge him! 

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