Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Brother Baby Whisperer

I love my Austin. He's smart. He's funny. He loves quality time with us. He likes super heros. His latest passion (as of Saturday's adventure at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo) is calf roping. He is competitive. Anything can be a race. He likes to learn and is figuring out how to put letters together to make a word. He loves to wrestle. He likes baseball and has impressed us with his skill to hit a ball. All this I expected when I thought of my first born being four. However, there's often things in this little guy that surprise me. He is attentive (to EVERYTHING). He can hold a conversation with an adult like I've never seen a 4 year old do. He often takes the youngest child under his wing. Once he told a friend that he was "practicing for when I am a daddy". One time when he was deciding not to nap, he said that the bed didn't "suit him"!  Another friend of ours coined it when he said, "Austin is an old soul". It's so very true and it's a cool, quirky thing that makes him who he is!

Along with these tendencies to behave much older than what he is, he has repeatedly ask me to hold Evelina in our carrier. Last week the opportunity arose for him to try it out. He was elated! As you can see, she didn't think it was such a bad idea either!

He was so proud of him self for being able to carry her around (we usually just let them hold her sitting down). I realized that this point that without me ever noticing, he had been watching me like a hawk. He swayed JUST LIKE I DO. He taped her bottom JUST LIKE I DO. I was watching a mini-me.  Yes, part of my momma heart was nervous that both would go tumbling and I would find blood from both of their heads painting my floors. However, I attempted to stifle that feeling in effort to nurture the caretaker in my little man! Shortly after he got her on, he said, "Momma, I hope she falls asleep." Ohhh everything in me melted. "IIIII hope she falls asleep too sweet Austin". I thought to myself.

I was afraid of him injuring himself so I encouraged him to sit down with her. So he took her to their room and sat on Jonathan's bed. All the while, in my mind, "I hope she falls asleep. "I hope she falls asleep. "I hope she falls asleep." You see, to Austin, Evelina sleeping was his affirmation of a job well done. I wanted his heart to be encouraged! Yes, I may have even prayed for it!

And what to do you know....?

She fell fast asleep. He was so proud. I was so proud. He'd loved on his little sister. It was exactly what she needed - a little cat nap to hold her over until everyone's nap time. I didn't have the arms to do it as I was getting lunch on the table. Austin, my little man with a servant heart, wanted to help momma. His caretaker spirit, wanted to snuggle his sister. All of our hearts were full!



  1. That is so precious! What a wonderful memory and moment for Austin. What a sweet moment for you as well. Blessings to your family!

  2. this is the sweetest thing i've seen in a long time. what a great big brother!
