Thursday, June 7, 2012

Potty Awareness - are we really here again?

I am struggling to decide what to post. Events, special memories made, transitions, struggles, reasons to celebrate...Today, I'm just going to post about normal life!

Jonathan's showing signs of potty training readiness. Really? I'm pretty sure last June we had just begun our first round of attempted potty training with Austin. Are we really at this point again?!?! Yes, yes, we are - our kids are 14 months apart. Why would I expect any different?

So tonight after we've put the kids to bed we hear them talking and laughing in their room. Not unusual. They like to enjoy one another a bit before they fall asleep. A friend once told me that sharing a room is where brothers become friends - so we allow it :) At one point I thought I heard Jonathan say "potty", but I didn't think much of it. A few minutes later Austin says loudly, "Maaaammaaa, Jonathan pooped in his bed." WHAT?!?!?! I snapped my head to look at Aaron - dear in the headlights look (he doesn't handle poop very well - especially when it's not where it's supposed to be!!!).

Sure enough, Jonathan had successfully taken off his pants, then proceeded to take off his diaper, then did his business on his sheets. I know the order because the diaper was good as new! Oh boy!

Since we're on the subject, I'll share one more story along the same lines. It's questionable if this one's blog appropriate, but I'm certain it will make you laugh - so here goes! I thought I caught a stench of "#2" coming from Jonathan. So I asked, "Jonathan did you go popo?" No answer. He just looked at me as if he was pondering the question. So I reworded it (innocently), "Jonathan, what's in your pants". This time he responded, "Ummmm" (looked away as if he's thinking). Then clear as day complete with a gesture pointing to the area,  "peeeniiis". I should have known better!
Hope you're chuckling! It's never a dull moment around here :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it -- what's life without some great kid poop stories!
