Thursday, March 8, 2012


We traveled "home" to Arlington Texas yesterday evening. It was a long flight that happened at bedtime. The boys didn't sleep. We were all exhausted. But upon stepping into Nana and Papa's place there was an immediate surge of comfort and familiar. It was like a long exhale after tensing your whole body. It made me ponder what brought that on.

I looked up the word home in the dictionary:

"a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household" or
"the place or region where something is native or most common"

Nope...not true for me. I think "home" will always be hard for me to define. I was born in Sao Paulo, but that's surely not home. Feel pretty much a foreigner there. Raised in Orlando, yes, there are aspects of home there. The physical building I grew up in, the warmth of my parents love. My extended family whom I adore. That holds some "home" for me. Went to school in Tallahassee. Though that was home for several years, it's more of a distant memory these days. Lived in Fortaleza Brazil shortly after I wed the love of my life and partner in the Gospel. That was definitely a home for a sweet season. Not so true currently. Then there's Arlington TX. It's my hubby's home town. Most naturally "home" to him. It's where his immediate and extended family all live. It's where we brought both of our boys into the world. It's where we spent the last 5 years. It's where we were intentionally loved and nurtured by so many. Arlington holds many of the comforts of home. But I now go "home" to an apartment in New York City. As shocking as this is for most (including myself) that feels like home.

So what is home anyway?
"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ"
Philippians 3:20

I am so grateful that my parents up and moved me across the world at the age of five. Really thankful. My home - my citizenship - is in heaven. Though I hold citizenship in two countries (no wonder "home" is difficult to define!) my true citizenship is in heaven. I've seen in my adulthood that part of  God's call on our lives is to be transient (at least for a while....who knows how long) I am so appreciative of the courage it took for my parents to pack up their two children and move to the completely unfamiliar with nothing to their name. All they had was hope. Hope for a better life. Hope for a more promising future for their kids. Hope that they'd made the right choice.

January, I got to go "home" to Florida. Now we are "home" in Texas. I feel blessed beyond measure that I have homeSSSS. Homes where God has lead us to camp out for a while that have shaped who we are. Homes that my boys get to go and experience shear delight of friendships that though not a part of daily life will be a part of our lifetime. Homes that allow me to exhale and remember the Father's Love lavished upon me through His people and His creation. No it's not easy leaving home to the unfamiliar, but as my parents modeled, we do so in hope for what is to come.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Hebrews 6:19

"Home" on earth will always be sweet home!
So excited for the next 11 days in our Arlington home!

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