Sunday, February 2, 2020


Our neighborhood here in Brazil is simply beautiful. It's green. Full of fruit trees. Beams with wild life. It often captives us with wonder in the beauty of God's creation. Because of this we often are drawn into long walks to marvel together. 

Yesterday morning our walk was initiated by our fabulous four! They dreamed up the morning adventure. We were to all walk down to the lake in our neighborhood to catch minnows. Their purpose was to later use these minnows for bait in fishing for larger fish.  We spent well over an hour filling that bowl with minnows.

I tucked my phone away and didn't document the whole adventure. But they gathered dozens of minnows for a later fishing trip. Austin and Jonathan walked that bowl home up a very steep hill to have their bait ready for fishing. Austin, who's a tenderhearted animal lover, watched over the minnows throughout the day. It was an adventure they imagined and brought to fruition on their own initiative - TOGETHER.

My greatest joys as well as my greatest strife in life as a momma of four is the sibling interactions of my little people. The quarrels among them break my heart often. I find myself ill-equipped to mediate their frustrations with one another. But there's another side too. These four are friends! I was scrolling through pictures I snapped over the last few days. This last one took my breath away. They truly love one another. They play together. They look after each other. May it always be so. There is something precious, seemingly magical when siblings turn friends. It's a delight to observe.  It's a challenge to
preserve. It's worth fighting for!

P.S. A little humor to balance out the sappy....the minnows sat in the bowl on our porch over night. Austin had separated the dead ones in a plastic cup. Overnight an animal (we suspect a possum) came and ate the dead fish and chewed through the net the kids used to catch them! 🤣 

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