This post was intended to go up a couple months ago, but time to stop-reflect-and write a difficult commodity in my season of life. At any given moment, I usually have a couple blog posts whirling in my brain. This one has been marinating since we bought our car back in February. The picture below is of Aaron and I with our van in the US. This picture was taken in front of the bank the day we went in to officially sell our car. The photo cred goes to Kelley, the lady who bought it.

We're smiling here. We were relieved to have a buyer for the car. This transaction facilitated the purchase of our car here in Brazil. But I struggled with letting this van go. The conflict hit when Kelley and her family first came to our home to look at the van. As Aaron drove away to test drive the van with the family, I was completely taken off guard by my heart's resistance. Everything in me said WE CANNOT sell the van! I didn't really understand why I felt that way. The vehicle would be of no use to us in the next year with our upcoming move to Brazil. Did I want to take the van with us? Well, yes! I'd already asked my dad who works with exporting goods to Brazil, but that was not a feasible option. It would have cost us far beyond what the car was worth. Was it the memories? Sure, that contributed. We did grow our family from 4 to 6 in that car. We had a memorable, unifying, God appointed 3 week road trip in that car. Not to mention the countless hours spend in it singing together, reviewing school work, listening to audio books, traveling to see grandparents and friends. But memories weren't the issue in my heart. I knew remarkable memories awaited us to be created in Brazil. Then it hit me... like a ton of bricks. COMFORT.
You see we were letting go of the comfort of that van. It was an old van, but it had all the bells and whistles to help ease life for this momma of four! Not only was it comfortable, we were letting go of it without the security of having a vehicle waiting for us in Brazil. Moreover, it paralleled what Christ did for us as He left heaven. Albeit, a very faint analogy, but Christ King did leave every familiar, comfort and glory to come down to earth where no comfort awaited Him. In the faintest of a whisper it's as if God said to me, "How many times have you told your children to share their toys. Joyce, your turn with this van is over. It's another family's turn. Fear not, I will provide."
Of course He will! And He did! Here's us in front of the car God provided. It's a great car. It fits all 6 of us which is a challenge to find here in Brazil. Aaron did a wonderful job finding a great quality car that runs super well at an awesome price. There's a whole set of adventures in the story of how he actually retrieved the car from Florianopolis, where he bought it - but that would be a whole other post!
Hear me when I say, I know God is so much bigger than our modes of transport, but He does work in the details. He's our El Roi, our God who sees even the minor details of our life. And for me the Lord often speaks through those details. I'm thankful He cares about us even in the seemingly little things. I'm thankful that He communicates with me. I'm thankful that I know the voice of my Shepherd (John 10).