Sunday, July 14, 2019

Community - New, Fast Friends's life giving. It's part of God's design for humanity. He Himself is communal - Father, son and Holy Spirit. Having community is a beautiful thing. In our short stint in Brazil, we've found wonderful friendships. With only having 4 months to do life here, God in His goodness had an active community already prepared for us. Aaron and I have lived lots of places. As I look back on our 15 years of marriage, having people to fellowship with has always been a priority for us. God has been faithful to provide for that need no matter where we've been. The avenues of His provision for friendship have varied. In our early marriage, our team on the mission field was our community. Later, it's been through family, church, and neighbors. Most recently as we've entered the homeschool world, God has used that to bring friendships to enrich our lives. In this adventure,  Classical Conversations , has gifted us with community. Just a few days into our trip, we joined the CC community here in Atibaia. By the third or fourth week, it felt as though we'd been a part of them since they began. 

These precious people have become fast friends. In a short 8 weeks, we've made many memories that will be treasured for a life time. These precious faces, to me, have represent many conversations contemplating the value of family, investment, schooling, Jesus, country, culture. For the children, they are a testimony that God cares enough to give us friends in a new place. Their friendships have been a gift of companionship to pursue adventure and experience joy! I'd love to share these precious faces with you....

Atibaia CC moms enjoying adult conversation over a delicious tea time!

Nicholas with Maria, one of the oldest students who's a sweet friend and helper with the youngsters.

Evelina, Maria, and Ana dancing in a mall

Aaron and I with a two other couples enjoying a meal together

The other side of the table during that meal

Isabelle, Nicholas, and Jonathan 

CC kids at Homeschool conference where they sung the timeline in the closing ceremony.

CC boys sitting on a pine log they had recovered from the pine forest and carried as a group over to show the mommas.

Me with lots of kids carpooling to a sports camp.

Boys posing with minnows they caught with cups in the lake. 

Evelina and Nicholas with Deborah and Timoteo (another set of siblings)

Littles striking a pose with big brother photo bomb

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