Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thoughts from a “pointless” walk

Our neighborhood
It’s been really warm in Sao Paulo. When you are talking degrees, it’s not near anything we experienced while living in Texas with 100+ streaks lasting months. However, when you consider no air conditioning and your feet are your mode of transit, it feels way hotter than the Texas heat! There’s no escape from it! In light of this, last night I was HOT. I wanted ICE CREAM! After getting the boys to bed, I decided to go to the store and pick some up. It’s a little over half a mile walk to the store. I grabbed my ear phones put on some flip flops and off I went. I figured that I would burn the ice cream calories before consuming them. Problem was the first store was closed. So I walked to the second one. It was also closed. As was the third store. So for all intents and purposes, the walk was pointless. However, I had a few insights that I will carry with me –

I was struck by all the noise on the streets. I am usually walking with two toddlers who occupy all of my attention, so I rarely notice the noise. But last night, I had my brain to myself! The noise of the city was far from pleasant. The cool thing was I had ear phones in. It was almost as if God whispered to me, “keep me in your ears, and every walk will be pleasant!”

Also, I realized during my walk that I walk almost always looking at the ground. The sidewalks are horrifically uneven here. You never know when you might get caught by surprise by a pothole or step up that springs out of nowhere. So instinctively I watch my step. At one point in the walk, I looked up. The night sky was so pretty. The clouds were moving quickly. The skyscraper apartment buildings were lit up with Christmas decorations. The wind was causing the trees to sway. Again, “Don’t worry about your step. The worst that can happen is a little stumble. Look up, the view is worth the risk. I promise the journey will be more scenic with your gaze heavenward.”

These are moments of rejuvenation. Though I returned home “icecreamless”, it was worth the walk!

1 comment:

  1. I love that - no moments are ever wasted when we are in communication with our Heavenly Father! Here's to hoping that the ice cream is plentiful and the walks heavenly. Love you!
