Friday, February 15, 2013

Many adventures

This will be my last post on our trip to the country side. I couldn't end this little mini-series without posting about our many adventures. From fishing, to riding horses, to hiking, to swimming in the most unlikely places, there was a ton of joyful memories made!

My aunts uncles have birds - lots of birds! We got to feed, play with, and talk to them. This one even went swimming with the boys (opps!)

"Pesca e Pague" (Fish and Pay) 
My parents took us on an outing to fish. Unfortunately, we got caught with a ton of rain. 
But that didn't keep us from having fun! 

Stuck under cover, but everyone's smiling! 

Our "view"! 

What did we do with our "Christmas in Eden" goods? Made homemade Guava Jelly! Yumm! 

Random findings in my Grandmothers neighborhood! 

"Exercising" with Vovo and Mema!

Water fun with Vovo and Mema (and Daddy)!!

On the Farm!
One of my aunts lives on a farm. This was a big highlight. Beautiful scenery! Awesome place to hike. Not to mention the animals and more water to enjoy! 

This deserves a pause for the background story. Before traveling to see my family, Austin was CONVINCED he was going to get to ride on TOP of a horse. I assured him that we'd see horses, but was not sure if he'd get to ride on  one. When seeing the horses at my aunts house, he saw this as his perfect opportunity. The man caring for the horses had told the boys that he would set up the carriage for them to ride. Upon getting back to my aunt's home, Austin promptly told me that he wasn't going to ride on the carriage, but rather, he was going to get ON TOP of the horse. When the time came, I pulled the boys aside and told them that we were not going to ask for anything more than what was offered to us. I explained that we were going to be thankful for whatever the man allowed them to do. They both shook their heads and repeated, "We aren't going to ask for anything. We are going to be thankful!" Now - the picture you see of the boys  leaning up against the fence... after our little talk the boys ran to the fence and watched the man caring for the horse. Austin says (as loud as he could), "DO YOU THINK HE'S GONNA OFFER FOR US TO RIDE ON TOP OF THE HORSE?!?" I'll let the rest of the pictures tell the story!

And they were really worn out by the end of it all. But please note, we didn't put Jonathan to sleep on the hard tile floor. That was their choice. They feel asleep like this as Austin loved on his bro! This goes down as one of my all time favorite mommy moments (and yes, we did put Jonathan back on the matters)

A Day in Taiuva
Another one of my Aunts lives in a neighboring city. 
We got to spend the day there. What sweet sweet memories! 

Yup, just in the side of the street for any curious kiddo to climb on!

2nd cousins having a wrestling match! Not sure who had more fun!

The beauty of small town life, is you see something you want to do, all you have to do is ask. 
Chances are you'll be granted a fun opportunity! 

Owl Sightings! 

Grand Finale - New Years on the farm!
We spent the 31st and 1st back on the farm. Most of the family came to celebrate either New Year's Eve or New Year's Day with us. It was the perfect way to end an incredibly memorable trip! 

Preparing with my cousins! Loved everything I learned in the kitchen with my aunts and cousins :) 

Hiking to the 100 year old Fig tree!

Last Sunset of 2012!
And a Rainbow! How appropriate to saw hello close out 2012 and bring in 2013 with a reminder of God's promises.
 He never fails!

Happy New Year!

Adventures don't have to end just because you have to go to sleep! This was the new years mask. Jonathan was convinced he was Batman! Oh this kid brings so much richness to our lives! 

There's no words to describe the significance of this trip! Thanks for bearing with the pictures, the stories, and the unending posts. I am well aware that this opportunity is very rare. I am also keenly in tune with the fact that the boys are only 2 and 3 years old. Chances that their little memories will retain any of these adventures are slim to none. However, it's so important to me that they know all their roots. They are privileged little men who have a rich heritage. Hopefully these posts will tell them the stories when they no longer tell it themselves. For now, they still talk about all my family and these many adventures. In hearing them recount the stories, the trip continues to bring us joy!

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