Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy First Birthday Jonathan!

Jonathan, Jonathan sweet baby Jonathan....

We sung that to you so often after you were born. Today, you turned one, sweet baby Jonathan. This year has been filled with joy brought to us by your presence. Your smile has lit up the room since you first showed it to us. You hold so much personality in that little body of yours - it's astounding! You've made us laugh out loud often with your funny reactions and your daring nature. We see in you a little baby who has so much potential to draw people to our Lord with your magnetic personality. You will do well in life through your flexible nature and ability to roll with situations without being bothered. You are our gift from God. We thanked Him upon knowing He'd entrusted you to us, but today, a after a year of having you in our lives, our hearts overflow with gratitude that the Lord knew you would add so much color to our little family. Thank you for all the smiles you've brought us. We look forward to watching you grow. Happy First Birthday my sweet baby!

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